Friday 27 February 2015

Superhorse's Bio

Name: Superhorse
Nicknames: King, Idiot
Animal: Pony
Personality: Superhorse is an egotistical, ill-tempered, selfish, bad-mannered pony. He claims to be the king of Jamaa. He tends to be clumsy. He tries to act like the hero who saves the day, trying to help 'damsels in distress' (he only does it to keep his reputation as a king), but fails miserably. He thinks little of others. (so to sum it all up kind of like King Julian from Madagascar. lol)
Deep down though, Superhorse is very judgmental of himself, covering up how he really is with a fake personality, in fear of being bullied and hated on for being weak and sensitive, which has happened in the past, and has been emotionally scarred/traumatized for life. His fake personality was intended to be brave and heroic, but ended up having a completely different result.
Owner: None. He doesn't want to be taking orders from someone else, and tries to prove himself independent.
Lives in: Castle

Sparkle Goofypride's Bio

Name: Sparkle
Full name: Sparkle Goofypride
Animal: Horse
Nicknames: Weirdo, Strange Horse
Personality: Sparkle has a very strange personality that can only be summed up in one word: Strange. She usually acts happy with a high level of self confidence, but then it can change to quiet and depressed with low self esteem. It's assumed that she is bipolar. However, one thing always stays the same: she's a pegasister/brony, meaning a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Even though she is a horse, she claims she is a pony, probably due to her liking of MLP.
Lives in: Fantasy Castle
Pets: Flutterberry
Fun fact: She used to be a fox.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Rosy Berryowl's Bio

Name: Rosy
Full name: Rosy Berryowl
Animal: Owl
Nickname: Rose (people tend to get her name wrong)
Personality: Rosy is a very sweet and generous owl, always putting other's needs before her own, wanting for others to be as happy as possible. She also loves Valentines' Day and roses.
Lives in: No specific place, but likes places filled with flowers

Thursday 8 January 2015

Windninja's Bio

Name: Wind (prefers to be called 'Moon')
Full name: Windninja
Animal: Tiger
Personality: Like his owner, Windninja is a very calm and wise individual. He hates all evil, and is friendly towards anyone who is friendly back to him. He also likes the night, and stargazing.
Owner: Pouncing Fierywolf
Lives in: Cosmo's Den

Thursday 18 December 2014

Snowflake Speedyjoy's Bio

Name: Snowflake
Full name: Snowflake Speedyjoy
Animal: Cheetah
Personality: Snowflake is a very energetic, cheerful, excitable, sweet girl with a good heart. She often also seems to act childish. Snowflake loves 'cute' colors like pink and pastel blue, and has a habit of calling things 'adorable' (this part is kind based off of me XD). She never stays sad for long and doesn't dwell on the past. She also loves running and being fast, and can be impatient. She also likes playing in the snow, and wears warm clothes all the time because she spends a lot of her day in the snow.
Lives in: Mt. Shiveer
Fun facts:
-She is somewhat based off of Sonic the Hedgehog.
-She was originally called Infinity Speedyjoy, and lived in Fantasy Castle.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Twinkle Snowyjoy's Bio

Name: Twinkle (prefers to be called 'Merry')
Full name: Twinkle Snowyjoy
Animal: Deer
Nickname: Christmas Lover
Personality: Twinkle is a very happy, caring, friendly deer. She is willing to be friends with anyone, and absolutely loves The Jamaalidays, and giving presents to others. She believes there is good in everyone, and that no one should be judged because they may do bad things. She'll forgive every apology given to her. She even sees good in the Phantoms, and tries to talk to them sometimes, but ends up having to be saved because she gets too close.
Pets: Hypersky (in the image below) and Megadeer
Lives in: Gingerbread House

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Pouncing Fierywolf's Bio

Name: Pouncing (usually prefers to be called 'Fang', though)
Full name: Pouncing Fierywolf
Animal: Wolf
Personality: Pouncing is very wise, disciplined and calm, but also very friendly, and protective of those she loves. She likes going on Adventures, and has a burning hate for the Phantoms.
Other info: She can control blue flames, that she calls "Soul Fire" (I'M SORRY MISSAQUAANIME XDDD).
Pets: Windninja
Lives in: Cosmo's Den