Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Queen Superfox Bio

Name: Queen
Full name: Queen Superfox
Nicknames: Queenie, Pinkie Pie
Animal: Fox
Personality: Queen seems to act a lot like Pinkie Pie, except even MORE hyper. She seems to have a good sense of humor, which is why she is usually the animal featured in the videos. One of the things she likes to do is keep running left and right really fastly, which doesn't have a specific name, but it is often called "Having a seizure" (although she isn't, it is just a joke), or "Flicking". But some people just like to call it Shaking. She loves to do Adventures and uses her rare raspberry-colored bow to shoot arrows at the Phantoms. Since she has a great sense of humor, she also seems to be sensitive in terms of feelings, and can get mad somewhat easily. (Yes, Queen is somewhat based off me. xD)
Lives in: Princess Castle

Victory Theeagle Bio

Name: Victory
Full name: Victory Theeagle
Nicknames: Show-off, Victoreh, Vic
Animal: Eagle
Personality: Her personality is somewhat comparable to Victory Thehorse's, as she is often a "show-off". She loves flying and being an eagle, and says she would never want to be any other animal. She feels cool while flying, and says that's why she acts like a show-off, because she feels so cool she can't help but be one. Other than showing off, her personality is actually very similar to that of Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (yesh I watch dat show, dun judge meh D:).
Lives in: Lives nowhere specific, but enjoys visiting dry places like Coral Canyons and Kimbara Outback.

Precious Arcticwolf Bio

Name: Precious
Full name: Precious Arcticwolf
Nickname: Sugar
Animal: Arctic Wolf
Personality: She is very playful, and also is a bit of a Fashionista. She is slightly comparable to Queen Superfox, though still can be calm, unlike Queen, who is almost all of the time hyper.
Lives in: Castle

Tuesday, 25 February 2014


I love eagles now. IT'S SO AWESOME PLAYING AS ONE! You can just fly wherever you want. It's so cool... I can't explain it! You just feel so cool when you're playing as it!

Here's my Eagle.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

My Opinion on Diamond Shop

Eh well eh.

It's kinda annoying how you have to wait 10 weeks to save up for an animal, or whatever you want. You only get one diamond every week. But after you get it, you're happeh. :D Although it's also making some items less rare. And if you're a member and you don't have an Arctic Wolf, you feel really left out. And a lot of the members with spikes kinda become mean all like "I HAVE A SPIKE I RULE DIS GAME" it is a bit out of hand... I don't find spikes AS good as everyone else (dun hate meh ;-;), but they're still pretty cool I guess. :3 Idk why, but not very fond of the spiked wristbands though.

And now, here's the obvious - Non-members can't get nearly anything good from there. Eh, lucky I'm a member at least. If my mother let me, I'd actually do a free membership giveaway on here. o-o I do agree it is annoying being a non-member, I still remember what it was like... ono

Speaking of diamond shop~! :3 I'm getting an Eagle next week on Tuesday (or Monday in America maybe? xD) Ish so excited, I'll make a blog about that too! :3

Thanks so much for a-readin'! :D

Welcome to My Blog!

Here I make... lots of things! I might add jokes, some of my AJ videos, my opinions on AJ things, I could post anything on here! :3

Now, let's get started. Here's who I am.

My name's Chloe (or Fang99999, or Fang), Dutch-Australian, and I love to make people laugh. This is why I started making AJ videos, because I thought that my sense of humor could come out really nicely by playing it! I've actually been playing AJ since it came out, and sometime in 2013 I started to record and make videos of it. I actually think it worked really nicely! If you want, you can check them out. My YouTube channel is called Chloe Rytherr, also known as "The Rytherr Show". I'm also a big fan of Sonic-- well.. not the games... just the characters and stuff xD yeah I'm weird. Whenever I see another Sonic fan I literally just freak out. x3 is anyone else here a Sonic fan? =D if so who's your favorite character? Mine is Silver. Anyway...

Be sure to follow this blog, it may take a while for me to get used to this whole new "Blogger" thing, but trust me, I think after I've made a lot of posts, it would've been worth the wait! This is just the start! ^-^
