Thursday, 18 December 2014

Snowflake Speedyjoy's Bio

Name: Snowflake
Full name: Snowflake Speedyjoy
Animal: Cheetah
Personality: Snowflake is a very energetic, cheerful, excitable, sweet girl with a good heart. She often also seems to act childish. Snowflake loves 'cute' colors like pink and pastel blue, and has a habit of calling things 'adorable' (this part is kind based off of me XD). She never stays sad for long and doesn't dwell on the past. She also loves running and being fast, and can be impatient. She also likes playing in the snow, and wears warm clothes all the time because she spends a lot of her day in the snow.
Lives in: Mt. Shiveer
Fun facts:
-She is somewhat based off of Sonic the Hedgehog.
-She was originally called Infinity Speedyjoy, and lived in Fantasy Castle.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Twinkle Snowyjoy's Bio

Name: Twinkle (prefers to be called 'Merry')
Full name: Twinkle Snowyjoy
Animal: Deer
Nickname: Christmas Lover
Personality: Twinkle is a very happy, caring, friendly deer. She is willing to be friends with anyone, and absolutely loves The Jamaalidays, and giving presents to others. She believes there is good in everyone, and that no one should be judged because they may do bad things. She'll forgive every apology given to her. She even sees good in the Phantoms, and tries to talk to them sometimes, but ends up having to be saved because she gets too close.
Pets: Hypersky (in the image below) and Megadeer
Lives in: Gingerbread House

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Pouncing Fierywolf's Bio

Name: Pouncing (usually prefers to be called 'Fang', though)
Full name: Pouncing Fierywolf
Animal: Wolf
Personality: Pouncing is very wise, disciplined and calm, but also very friendly, and protective of those she loves. She likes going on Adventures, and has a burning hate for the Phantoms.
Other info: She can control blue flames, that she calls "Soul Fire" (I'M SORRY MISSAQUAANIME XDDD).
Pets: Windninja
Lives in: Cosmo's Den

Infinity Theraccoon's Bio

Name: Infinity
Full name: Infinity Theraccoon
Animal: Raccoon
Personality: Infinity is a very loving and affectionate Raccoon, who values her friends and family dearly. She is always ready to protect those she loves, and has a burning hate for Phantoms. She doesn't only like to protect those she loves, though - she also protects the innocent, and has a hobby of going on Adventures. Infinity is very positive and likes to look on the bright side of things, and never really stays sad for long. She is very open and honest.
Lives in: Small House, but says she considers Adventure Base Camp her real 'home'.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Crash Therhino's Bio

Name: Crash
Full name: Crash Therhino
Animal: Rhinoceros
Personality: Crash is a huge tomboy. She is not afraid to get dirty in hand-to-hand combat and is very aggressive and bad-tempered.
Lives in: Appondale

Monster Spiritclaw's Bio

Name: Monster
Full name: Monster Spiritclaw
Animal: Some sort of spirit in the shape of an otter
Personality: Monster is very aggressive, mature and hard-headed. It (Monster is genderless) is cold, self-centered and a loner.
Other info: Monster is a very strange animal; it seems to be some kind of spirit. Lots of Jammers are afraid of it.
Lives in: Nowhere specific, but never seems to come out of the dark.
Fun fact: For unknown reasons, Monster Spiritclaw's appearance almost completely changes underwater. It's bone-like spine and tail dissapear, same for it's white monster-like claw. It also loses it's necklace. For unknown reasons, it has wings when underwater. As soon as it comes to the surface, it's appearance changes back to normal. However, this is rarely seen, because Monster prefers to stay on land, and you would be lucky to see it's underwater form.

Thursday, 7 August 2014


I think I'm the first one to find this O.o
In the Sarepia photobooth thing, change the backdrop to Temple of Zios. In the building thing is a HIDDEN MIRA!!! I just found this while editing an image of Phoenix O.o

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Eternal Quietninja's Bio

Name: Eternal
Full name: Eternal Quietninja
Animal: Raccoon
Personality: Eternal is very serious, quiet, laid-back, wise and disciplined, but also opinionated and somewhat arrogant at times. Despite this fact, he is usually eager to find danger to flex and polish his ninja skills. He is seen as a ninja-based character; his battle poses and shuriken stars support that portrayal. (Text taken from here)
Lives in: Not a certain place - just goes to different places a lot of the time to do his ninja work.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Mythical Thegiraffe Bio

Name: Mythical
Full name: Mythical Thegiraffe
Animal: Giraffe
Nicknames: Scary, crazy spider lady
Personality/Backstory: Mythical is a very strange girl. She is into spiders (mostly tarantulas) and can actually communicate with them, and hear what they're saying. As soon as her parents found out about this they became afraid of her (her parents were afraid of spiders), and thought she was half-spider. They then kicked her out. She grew up as a very creepy and unsocial giraffe.
Pets: She has 800+ tarantulas, but her best friend is Redninja. She carries Redninja with her all the time.
Lives in: Haunted Mansion
(By the way, the spider to the left of that picture is Redninja, her best friend as stated in her Pets section.)

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Mythical Theturtle Bio

Name: Mythical
Full name: Mythical Theturtle
Nicknames: Skull Knight, Spike Ninja
Animal: Turtle
Personality: Mythical acts very serious and mature. She also acts rather docile and calm, and she talks in a very soothing and calm tone of voice.
Lives: Just travels everywhere around the sea
Fun fact: She sometimes fights off evil by spiking up the spikes on her shell, taking the shell off, and stabbing at them with it. She may also use it as a shield. Some would often compare this to a knight's swordsery (or whatever it's called o3o), which is where she got the name 'Skull Knight', the knight-like attacks and her skull markings. Some call her a Spike Ninja just because she is often quite, and she is mostly black.

Eternal Shyrabbit Bio

Name: Eternal
Full name: Eternal Shyrabbit
Nickname: Fox Lover, Shy One
Animal: Rabbit
Personality: Eternal's two main traits are the same as Fluttershy's (from MLP:FiM): She is shy and loves animals. She is shy around everything except animals, and by everything I mean literally, even if it's not a living thing - but she seems to have a thing with animals, and is not shy around them. She also loves foxes, which is why she has a fox hat and a fox pet, and she wishes she was one.
Lives in: Mushroom Hut

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Meet My Characters! Your Chance to Meet One of Your Favorite Characters From Fang99999's Animal Jam Blog!

Hello all! Here's a message from all of my characters! All of you reading this can meet my characters!
1. Leave a comment telling your username, and the character you want to meet (can be more then one).
2. Friend me.
3. Wait for me to accept your friend request next time I get on.
4. You can come anytime we're both online and meet the character you wanted to see!

ANY of my current characters you can see! As long as you have a required animal to see it, by this I mean like, if you want to see one of my water animals, then you'll have to have a Water animal too.

Bye from my characters, and hope to see you! (Ik the pic is horrible o3o and no these aren't all the characters you can see, you can see any of them I just couldn't put them all in it XD)

Phoenix Spiritbrave Bio

Name: Phoenix
Animal: Fire Leopard
Full name: Phoenix Spiritbrave
Former name: Mythical Quietleopard
Personality: Phoenix is a rebellious tomboy with an attitude. She finds joy in using her fire powers on anyone who deserves it, sometimes she might also fire a little flame at someone who annoys her. She has a short temper and is impatient most of the time. She is overly egotistic and will often insult people she finds to be 'worse' then her. Phoenix's real name is Mythical, but she hated her name so she just introduced herself to everyone as Phoenix, and now everyone just calls her that. Later she also decided the last two letters: Spiritbrave. She is seemingly obsessed with fire. She will never admit to making a mistake, if she does she'll just say something like "WOW. Do you think I'd do that? Do you REALLY think I'm THAT stupid?" and then she'll keep coming up with excuses, such as "No, that was just a warm-up! And you didn't let me finish!" and will keep coming up with excuses, it'd take probably a million tries until she'll eventually admit it.
Lives in: Lives in Volcano den, has fire-related furniture everywhere in her den and has a bunch of couches, jukeboxes etc. to keep her entertained and have fun, although she usually destroys everything with her fire, which she pleasures doing as she finds it fun.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Daredevil Thecroc Bio

Name: Daredevil
Full name: Daredevil Thecroc
Animal: Crocodile
Personality: Daredevil is mostly known for her temper. She will get mad very easily and might do unexpected things, sometimes she might hurt someone sometimes she might just break everything, sometimes she might even swear, just from the smallest thing. Since a lot of things in life aren't perfect, expect her to lose her temper very easily and very rarely see her happy. But her anger isn't the only thing about her. She also speaks in a somewhat sophisticated tone of voice, while also sounding like a guy's voice but with a higher pitch and a little quieter (I don't know how to explain it o-o). She is also a tomboy, as most people would be able to see. She has almost no girly aspects about her.
Lives in: Water Park
Random fact: I made a Sonic the Hedgehog fan character based off of this character, Daredevil the Crocodile.

Monster Theshark's Bio

Name: Monster
Full name: Monster Theshark
Personality: Monster is a demonic shark summoned by the Phantoms. His purpose is to kill Jammers (which always end up being saved), and he is feared by many. He doesn't really have a personality, and doesn't even talk. He only kills. He is always being hunted by the Alphas, but they never succeed in defeating him.
Lives in: Usually found in Deep Blue, but can be found anywhere underwater.
Fun facts:
-His mouth acts like a black hole, and sucks in victims close to him.
-It's said staring into his pitch-black mouth for too long can steal your soul.
-Rumor has it that he doesn't feel pain.

(he's a bit of a mary sue sry xD)

Mythical Thepenguin Bio

Name: Mythical
Full name: Mythical Thepenguin
Personality: Mythical's personality is simple yet hard to explain. She is a hipster and her appearance pretty much explains her whole personality. She loves to dance and if she cannot dance she will be ticked off. She's disappointed in her name, Mythical, as it does not suit her one bit. There weren't any good name options. She usually just calls herself "DJ", "Awesomesauce" etc. (I failed at the personality description but HER PERSONALITY IS HARD TO EXPLAIN OK JUST LOOK AT HER PIC AND U WILL GET HER PERSONALITY XD)
Lives in: She doesn't exactly live anywhere, but she usually sleeps in Club Geoz. So she's technically homeless but somewhat considers Club Geoz her home.

Victory Thehorse Bio

Name: Victory
Full name: Victory Thehorse
Animal: Horse
Personality: Her personality is comparable to Jet the Hawk's (from "Sonic Riders") personality. She is often rude and she will insult most people who lose against her in a Jamaa Derby race. Speaking of Jamaa Derby, she is very skilled at it and rarely comes anything but first. It isn't too common to find her being kind to someone. She will get very mad at anyone who wins against her and will keep doing races until she wins, no matter what it takes. As she doesn't want to lose her reputation. She's also egotistic as she will always brag about her impressive Jamaa Derby skills. (Yep it's pretty much an AJ horse version of Jet the Hawk XD)
Lives in: Ol' Barn
Random fact: It is unknown why, but she has black wings. She cannot actually use them, though. No one knows why she has wings, but she just doesn't really care, and says that it looks cool on her anyway.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Queen Superfox Bio

Name: Queen
Full name: Queen Superfox
Nicknames: Queenie, Pinkie Pie
Animal: Fox
Personality: Queen seems to act a lot like Pinkie Pie, except even MORE hyper. She seems to have a good sense of humor, which is why she is usually the animal featured in the videos. One of the things she likes to do is keep running left and right really fastly, which doesn't have a specific name, but it is often called "Having a seizure" (although she isn't, it is just a joke), or "Flicking". But some people just like to call it Shaking. She loves to do Adventures and uses her rare raspberry-colored bow to shoot arrows at the Phantoms. Since she has a great sense of humor, she also seems to be sensitive in terms of feelings, and can get mad somewhat easily. (Yes, Queen is somewhat based off me. xD)
Lives in: Princess Castle

Victory Theeagle Bio

Name: Victory
Full name: Victory Theeagle
Nicknames: Show-off, Victoreh, Vic
Animal: Eagle
Personality: Her personality is somewhat comparable to Victory Thehorse's, as she is often a "show-off". She loves flying and being an eagle, and says she would never want to be any other animal. She feels cool while flying, and says that's why she acts like a show-off, because she feels so cool she can't help but be one. Other than showing off, her personality is actually very similar to that of Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (yesh I watch dat show, dun judge meh D:).
Lives in: Lives nowhere specific, but enjoys visiting dry places like Coral Canyons and Kimbara Outback.

Precious Arcticwolf Bio

Name: Precious
Full name: Precious Arcticwolf
Nickname: Sugar
Animal: Arctic Wolf
Personality: She is very playful, and also is a bit of a Fashionista. She is slightly comparable to Queen Superfox, though still can be calm, unlike Queen, who is almost all of the time hyper.
Lives in: Castle

Tuesday, 25 February 2014


I love eagles now. IT'S SO AWESOME PLAYING AS ONE! You can just fly wherever you want. It's so cool... I can't explain it! You just feel so cool when you're playing as it!

Here's my Eagle.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

My Opinion on Diamond Shop

Eh well eh.

It's kinda annoying how you have to wait 10 weeks to save up for an animal, or whatever you want. You only get one diamond every week. But after you get it, you're happeh. :D Although it's also making some items less rare. And if you're a member and you don't have an Arctic Wolf, you feel really left out. And a lot of the members with spikes kinda become mean all like "I HAVE A SPIKE I RULE DIS GAME" it is a bit out of hand... I don't find spikes AS good as everyone else (dun hate meh ;-;), but they're still pretty cool I guess. :3 Idk why, but not very fond of the spiked wristbands though.

And now, here's the obvious - Non-members can't get nearly anything good from there. Eh, lucky I'm a member at least. If my mother let me, I'd actually do a free membership giveaway on here. o-o I do agree it is annoying being a non-member, I still remember what it was like... ono

Speaking of diamond shop~! :3 I'm getting an Eagle next week on Tuesday (or Monday in America maybe? xD) Ish so excited, I'll make a blog about that too! :3

Thanks so much for a-readin'! :D

Welcome to My Blog!

Here I make... lots of things! I might add jokes, some of my AJ videos, my opinions on AJ things, I could post anything on here! :3

Now, let's get started. Here's who I am.

My name's Chloe (or Fang99999, or Fang), Dutch-Australian, and I love to make people laugh. This is why I started making AJ videos, because I thought that my sense of humor could come out really nicely by playing it! I've actually been playing AJ since it came out, and sometime in 2013 I started to record and make videos of it. I actually think it worked really nicely! If you want, you can check them out. My YouTube channel is called Chloe Rytherr, also known as "The Rytherr Show". I'm also a big fan of Sonic-- well.. not the games... just the characters and stuff xD yeah I'm weird. Whenever I see another Sonic fan I literally just freak out. x3 is anyone else here a Sonic fan? =D if so who's your favorite character? Mine is Silver. Anyway...

Be sure to follow this blog, it may take a while for me to get used to this whole new "Blogger" thing, but trust me, I think after I've made a lot of posts, it would've been worth the wait! This is just the start! ^-^
