Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Daredevil Thecroc Bio

Name: Daredevil
Full name: Daredevil Thecroc
Animal: Crocodile
Personality: Daredevil is mostly known for her temper. She will get mad very easily and might do unexpected things, sometimes she might hurt someone sometimes she might just break everything, sometimes she might even swear, just from the smallest thing. Since a lot of things in life aren't perfect, expect her to lose her temper very easily and very rarely see her happy. But her anger isn't the only thing about her. She also speaks in a somewhat sophisticated tone of voice, while also sounding like a guy's voice but with a higher pitch and a little quieter (I don't know how to explain it o-o). She is also a tomboy, as most people would be able to see. She has almost no girly aspects about her.
Lives in: Water Park
Random fact: I made a Sonic the Hedgehog fan character based off of this character, Daredevil the Crocodile.

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